
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Harvest Moon 2016

     This celestial body known as earth's moon is intriguing. The prodigy of night that subtly morphs over the months - waxing and waning between new, first quarter, full and last quarter,  can be a photographic challenge.  However I overcame that challenge this September with a beautiful rendering, which surprised me with its beauty.

     When Karuna, a friend from India, told me about her culture's association of the moon and the pearl, I was fascinated, because I always felt an emanation of peacefulness and strength from the orb of night but dismissed it as fairy tale stuff . Karuna told me that a pearl draws energy from the moon, therefore it is beneficial to wear a ring that allows that gemstone to touch the skin. 
     A little research into the effect of gems on the subtle energy of the human being proved interesting. The moon has long been considered feministic in  nature and also denotes tenderness and beauty. There is a continuous vibrating power from the moon that can be absorbed by the individual and this aura can protect one from external negativity. The wearer of a pearl may feel confidence, energy, and strengthened will power. ("Shrivinayaka Astrology" by Dev Kaushik)
     I feel an affinity with the moon - I think I need a pearl ring.

1 comment:

  1. I love this story! The pic of the moon is just beautiful.
