
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Rocking Chair Redo

     The previous post showed the improvements made in our computer room earlier in the summer. This week the rocking chair that sits by the front window in that room got a new look as well. I had tossed around the idea of covering the cushions but wasn't sure if I wanted a solid or a patterned fabric. A trip to Walmart with the hubby for golf balls and cat litter took me by a bin of sale-priced bolts and of course, I had to stop and browse. Lo and behold, on the very top was a length of duck cloth, in a dark gray and white grapevine print that was similar to toile. I was immediately sold, especially at three dollars per yard!
     It was easy to duplicate the cushion dimensions, tucks and tabs. Sewing was simple as well and instead of zippers, I just slip-stitched the openings closed (easily removed and resewn if the covers ever need washing.) Now to sit or just admire?!

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