
Thursday, July 6, 2017

The New Gray Room

     This is the room we call our computer room, although it serves other purposes as well. It is a smallish room that was once our son's bedroom and the color scheme has remained the same since he occupied it more than twenty years ago. Time for a complete change, I decided, and painted the white walls over with a light gray. Painting isn't exactly fun, but I don't mind if I have the necessary supplies, like a tall Bloody Mary and some furry company. Another plus is getting nostalgic over little things like the grandson's signature on the closet door - initially I didn't want to paint over the little Picasso's work but figured a photograph would preserve it better.

Also the newly painted doors are much prettier (and you can see here another purpose the room serves - golf bag storage - not my idea but half the time they are in hubby's truck anyway.)   

     The opposite wall contributes to the storage of another accoutrement of hubby's hobbies - his electric guitar, which I don't mind because it is attractive and the black accent harmonizes (!) quite well with the rest of the room. (Note the pet portraits on each wall. We picked favorite photos of our past and present beloved pets, enlarged and framed them. The mismatched frames were bought at various estate or garage sales, then painted with a bright white enamel and I think they coordinate nicely.)

   The curtains are custom made by moi because I searched high and low and far and wide for ready-made, and could find nothing that appealed. Then began a similarly fruitless quest to find fabric - all I wanted was a large gray and white buffalo check - and finally found a website that had something that looked promising and was reasonably priced. The results were not only satisfactory but beyond my expectations; I love them and so does Dunc!

     Carpeting was the last step and the old brown plush was replaced with a lighter-colored, tweedy Berber that is low looped and durable. Again, I think Dunc approves; we all love spending time in this room that grandson dubbed, "very restful".

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