Mom requested a quiet, no frills celebration for her eighty-third birthday, so the family stopped by in intervals throughout the afternoon. The visits were less chaotic and more personal than a large party and Mom was able to give her full attention to each small group. The gifts were modest but thoughtful and she loved, as always, the myriad of sentimental, funny, or handmade cards.
Because of the reserved nature of the day, I thought that simple cupcakes would be appropriate. However I took the liberty of making those cupcakes extra special. After baking and cooling, a small cone was sliced out of the middle of the little yellow cakes, and a topped fresh strawberry dropped into the hollow. Vanilla icing was piped atop each before placing on a cupcake tower. Red candles were placed to match the red paper baking cups and a spray of white flowers in the center completed the arrangement. On second thought, perhaps the smile did.